So think about that as you go forth and create content this week and this month and ask yourself, am I being interesting so that they get interested?

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- Hey everybody, Drew McLellan here from Agency Management Institute. This week, I am coming to you from my Walt Disney suite in Orlando, Florida at The Grand Floridian. Just wrapped up a workshop where we were working with about 50 agency owners on how to build and nurture their sales funnel. And one of the key takeaways from building and nurturing the sales funnel is this idea that your job, in terms of marketing and selling your agency, is to actually be interesting rather than interested. So, several times people were talking about how to connect with people on LinkedIn or how to connect with them after a conference without looking like a creeper or a stalker. And the secret to that is, that if you are interesting, meaning that you are providing them content that is valuable, that is unique to your niche, your industry, your subject matter expertise around an audience or a vertical, whatever that may be, when you are interesting, because you are teaching me something that is valuable to me, so as you've heard me say many times, how am I helping my prospects be better at their job today through my content, whether I'm speaking at a conference, whether we're doing research, whether I'm writing a blog post, how am I helping them do their job better? How can I be interesting to them because then they will be interested in connecting with me? So I don't have to look like I'm interested in them, or I'm stalking or chasing after them, I can simply look like I am trying to be helpful, that I am a subject matter expert, I am an authority on the topic in which my agency has expertise and all I'm trying to do is teach and share that knowledge that we have in an effort to be useful or helpful. And when you come at your content from that point of view, that how am I really helping my prospect do their job better today, then you become interesting. And the minute you're interesting on a consistent basis, when every week or every month, however often you're creating content, you are interesting to your prospects, then they lean in, they want to hear more from you because you are offering them something of value. And that is step one in building and nurturing a sales funnel is to be interesting and be valuable, and be a teacher. That's step one. So think about that as you go forth and create content this week and this month and ask yourself, am I being interesting so that they get interested? All right? Talk to you next week.

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