Hey agency owner – how do you deal with digital?
Not too long ago, anyone and everyone with a computer who knew how to build a website was opening up a digital agency. Traditional agencies fought against that with hiring a digital ninja or two and creating a silo within [...]
Hey agency owner – how do you tell your story?
Every agency is wrestling with content creation these days. But sadly, most content is still too sales-y and lacks a compelling story that’s meaningful and memorable. As we all know — creating great content isn’t just about regurgitating sales bullet points. [...]
Building your agency’s internal content strategy
Over at The Agency Post, I talked about my concern that agencies don't seem to have their act together when it comes to their own internal content strategy. As I said in the post -- what I find both interesting [...]
One page business plan template for agencies
Every good agency is big on planning for their clients. They facilitate strategic plans, they build marketing plans and they guide clients through the process of developing a digital strategy that can be woven into their overall communications plan. But [...]
Hey agency owner – do you have an internal content strategy?
Many agencies know how to create and implement marketing and content strategies for their clients, but when it comes to their own business they often miss the mark. Instead the thorough and well thought out plan they’d present to their [...]
Agencies need to behave like consultancies
At Agency Management Roundtable (AMR) we've been preaching this for years. Agencies need to get out of the "making stuff" business and get into the business problem solving business. Agencies need to behave like consultancies. We need to shift from [...]
How to make time to work on the business
Every agency owner knows that they need to devote more time and attention to their business but they're so busy helping clients with THEIR business, it's tough to carve out the time to take care of your own. Any time [...]
What clients want from their advertising agency
This article discusses client retention strategies, and explains what clients are truly looking for from their ad agency. In our AE training (both the bootcamp and the Account Service Advanced Training) we ask the participants to make a list of [...]
How Much Money do Marketing Agencies Make?
How much money do marketing agencies make? Learning how to move your advertising agency to value based pricing means you’ll need to talk a little differently to both your internal staff and your clients. It’s going to take some effort [...]
Value Pricing Strategy for Advertising Agencies – It’s Time
Value pricing strategy for advertising agencies? Yes -- the time has come. At several of our AMR network meetings, we've had Ron Baker, author of Implementing Value Pricing come speak. Agency owners are fired up after being exposed to Ron's [...]