
Search results for: agency management

Agency Owners

If you own a small to mid-sized agency (marketing, advertising, PR, media, SEO, PPC, web dev, etc.) with 0-200 employees and are actively running the business day to day -- we serve you. Agency Management Institute (AMI) was built in the late 90s on a simple premise -- most agency owners are accidental business owners. Odds are you spent most of your professional career in an agency and somehow along the way, you ended up owning one! If you're like most agency owners, you're brilliant at the client facing part of agency ownership but the behind the scenes side (financials, HR, biz dev, growing the team, etc.) are not what you built your career on or studied in school.  You've been figuring it out through trial and error and you're doing okay, but you're tired of reinventing the wheel and going it alone.  There has to be a better way or some agency best practices that will help you make all of this easier and more profitable. AMI is here to help you make more money and keep more of what you make.  There absolutely are best practices that will help you build a agency that is more scalable, sustainable and if you want to down the road, sellable. We have a variety of free resources like our podcast, our blog, our video series, our annual primary research series where we ask CMOs the questions you'd love to ask, and more. We also put together an annual salary and benefits survey so you can see how you're stacking up against other agencies your size and in your region. In terms of agency owner education -- we offer: Live workshops On demand workshops Agency owner coaching [...]

June 13th, 2020|

Paycheck Protection Program loan answers for agency owners with Craig Cody

The most popular relief loan in the US is the Paycheck Protection Program loan or PPP loan. Unfortunately, in a rush to get the funds out to agencies and other businesses, the Small Business Administration and Treasury Department forgot to define how the loan and its forgiveness will work. […]

May 25th, 2020|

Leveraging an agency owner’s strengths to crush biz dev with Jody Sutter

Very few agency owners are giddy about the prospect of prospecting for new clients. It feels uncomfortable and unnatural. But what if it isn’t that they hate biz dev but that they just weren’t doing it in a way that aligns with their strengths? If sales felt comfortable and easy, wouldn’t you do more of it? […]

May 18th, 2020|

5 mini plans agency leaders can use to thrive through covid with Drew McLellan

The panic around COVID lockdown is plateauing. The storm has certainly not passed, but we’ve navigated out of the panic stage and now everyone is realizing they need to get back to business. Whether you live someplace that is still sheltering in place or you are figuring out how to get back to the office — we have to sustain our business through this and come out on the other side. If we do it well, we can not only come out on the other side but we can come on stronger and better than ever. […]

May 11th, 2020|

A new tool to add to your agency’s sales strategy with Jeff Winters

There’s always been a great debate among agency owners – does cold email work as a new business strategy. Many will argue that given SPAM filters and the volume of email that everyone gets, it’s impossible to break through and actually get the attention of someone in the C-suite. My guest Jeff Winters proves that belief wrong for his clients every day. But will it work for your agency? […]

May 4th, 2020|

How To Sell Agency Services In Uncertain Times

Six actions you can take today to prospect and close business effectively in a chaotic economic climate without hurting your brand. This is not meant to be a cheesy, ‘glass-half-full’ platitude, but I think it’s an important question to ask genuinely: Is there a way in which this crisis could make your agency stronger? Recently at Sales Schema, an agency-specialized new business consultancy, we centered a live workshop, with around 70 agency owners, on the above question. We are not prophets, economists, or epidemiologists, but we’ve learned a lot in recent weeks, combined with many hard-won lessons from working with 50+ agencies, executing 7,000+ campaigns, and generating 3,000+ qualified brand meetings.   Here are six actions your agency can take today to ensure you’re healthy and thriving in 90-180 days. 1.Deal in facts, not rumors. We are hearing a lot about spending freezes, furloughs, and firings.  Sometimes the rumors are true, and the obvious cases are in-person-centric industries like restaurants, retail, and cruises.  Just as often, we see agency owners making brash assumptions based on one or two data points, such as a single terse email response from a client or an ill-informed news article.   For example, it’s easy to assume that interest in event marketing is fading, but we have a client in that space for whom we secured conversations with three ‘blue chip’ tech companies last week - after all, these brands are looking for leadership and ideas to move from in-person to digital, and they have more time than usual to talk to salespeople. In another case, a web services and staff-augmentation client of ours is landing renewals with clients because this crisis revealed them to be the best, fastest, cheapest option [...]

April 27th, 2020|

Connect with agency prospects using virtual events with Nicole Mahoney

When you realize that this episode is about holding a virtual event, you might jump to the conclusion that this is a C19 focused episode. Nothing could be further from the truth. Virtual events have been successful for years and are always worth considering, pandemic or not! […]

April 27th, 2020|

Lead your agency through difficult times and remote working with Adam Carroll

Agency owners wear many hats and certainly one of the most important is leader. There are days when that’s easy and even fun. And then, there are days like the ones we’ve been having lately, when the weight of that role can get pretty heavy. Our employees need us to guide them through these uncharted waters. And to do that, we need to stay calm, confident and compassionate. But how do you do that when you can’t even be in the same room. […]

April 13th, 2020|

A very personal message to agency owners – how to survive the Covid chaos with Drew McLellan

Odds are you cannot remember a more tumultuous time in your agency. You probably endured through 9/11 but we understood what happened and why. You probably survived the 07-08 recession but we saw it coming and had time to plan and adjust. Covid-19 brings a rare and overwhelming combination of a health scare, human isolation, and an economic shutdown all in one fell swoop. No wonder you’re feeling a bit frantic. That’s why I’m worried about you. If you can’t stand strong through this, your agency is in trouble. […]

April 6th, 2020|

Agency owners — rest your brain

I'm worried about you. I can feel the strain and stress when I talk to you or you ask a question in one of our open mic webinars or I get your text at 1 am because we're in different time zones and you can't sleep. The covid-19 crisis is a mother and there's not an agency on the planet that isn't feeling the effects. It's not all bad news. Many of you are busier than ever. Lots of agencies are hiring and every day, I get a text from an agency who landed a new account. On the opposite end of the spectrum, some of you have watched 50% or more of your AGI walk out the door and you're wrestling with managing the agency to the numbers -- knowing that may mean you have to lay some people off, despite the Paycheck Protection Program loan. Most of you are somewhere in the middle. I see this in my own interactions with all of you and we saw it in the poll we took of about 125 agency owners, asking about the impact of covid-19 on their agency. All of you are used to dealing with tough times -- when a key employee walked out the door or your gorilla client gave notice. You weathered those situations and got your team through whatever came next. But part of what make that more palatable for you is that you knew what to expect. One of the most disconcerting aspects of our current crisis is the unknown. Agency ownership already has an element of that baked into it, but not like this. I think most agency owners are in a constant state (even if they're crazy [...]

April 4th, 2020|

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