
Search results for: agency management

Surviving the pandemic – where will your agency be in 60-90 days? with Kiri Sinclair

US and European based agency owners are fighting vigilantly as the coronavirus pandemic unfolds in their region of the world. It’s affecting agencies and their clients in significant ways. I’ve been talking to agency owners non-stop for the last two weeks and one thing is for sure – one agency’s experience is not like another’s. For some, business and AGI has never been better. In others, 50% of their AGI has walked out in less than ten days. I wanted to connect with an agency owner who had already experienced everything we are going through today and could tell us what’s coming next. […]

March 30th, 2020|

COVID-19 – agency survival tools

Our industry (and our world) has never seen anything like COVID-19 and our #1 job as agency owners is to survive it so we can get our agencies through this storm and back to calm waters. At Agency Management Institute (AMI) we are committed to helping independently owned agencies through this crisis and back to solid ground.  We're creating and collecting agency-specific resources and provide them to you (no firewall) to any agency who can benefit from them. We are also doing live webinars every other week, to update participates on how other agencies are handling elements of the COVID-19 reality and answer any specific questions you might have. To be notified of those webinars (if you don't attend live -- you will get the replay later that day) sign up for our weekly newsletter here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3ys_4rcPtE At AMI -- we know that most agency owners are accidental business owners.  You were an amazing AE or creative (or whatever you did) and somehow you ended up owning an agency!  I get it -- 25 years ago, that was me when I hung up my shingle (knock on wood -- we're celebrating our 25th anniversary). Our purpose is to help small to mid-sized agencies run the business of their business better, so it is more scalable, sustainable and down the road, if you want, sellable.  And we will get back to that work when this crisis is over.  But for now, our sole focus is helping you weather this storm. Here are the resources (most current on top) that we've created and curated for you. AMI created and AMI member/partner vetted resources: Week of May 25, 2020 AMI podcast with CPA on the latest PPP revisions [...]

March 23rd, 2020|

How to grow your agency using creative collaboration with James Carbary

Today’s episode is a twofer – and both topics are going to benefit your shop. The first is the idea of collaborating with your prospects to create content that is valuable for both of you. From there you can leverage that shared experience to create new opportunities for your agency. The second is how you can write that book you’ve been thinking about, despite how overloaded your calendar and life can be. […]

March 23rd, 2020|

Getting your agency to the other side of the coronavirus with Drew McLellan

There’s not a small business owner on the planet who isn’t concerned about how the coronavirus is going to impact their business, employees, clients, and family. Those worries are complicated by the fact that this is also a health risk to those you love. I can’t help with the health risk part – but I can help ease your fears about your business. We’re going to survive this together and in this episode, I am going to give you some tips and tactics to get you and your agency through this storm and back to calm waters. […]

March 16th, 2020|

The trailblazing benefit agency owners need to know about

Remember the “good old days” right after the recession when incredibly talented employees were easy to find, quick to hire and grateful to have a steady paycheck? The upside to that story is that in 2020 the economy is stronger, the job market is much more stable and everyone is making more money. The downside is — the days of just having a job being enough are over. Today, agencies are in a battle to recruit and retain talent and I don’t see that changing any time soon. Some agencies have adopted a blended staffing strategy (a mix of employees and a consistent contract labor pool) to combat this challenge. Other agencies are investing heavily in professional development and growth opportunities for their team (The #1 reason why an agency employee chooses to take a job/stay at an agency according to our 2016 research) to keep their top talent. But there’s a new benefit that is emerging as a deal clincher. Many of our employees (at every age) are strapped with student loans so a Student Loan Reimbursement perk is music to their ears and bank accounts. I wrote a story about this for Forbes, including some best practices for getting the most out of offering the benefit. I’m curious — if you’ve cracked the recruiting and retention code — what do you believe makes the difference? This was originally published in the AMI newsletter.  To subscribe, click here.

March 9th, 2020|

Leveraging psychology to improve agency sales with Charlie Poulson

The more you know about a person, the easier it is to connect with them. One of the challenges when it comes to biz dev is that we really don’t know too much about the prospect we’re trying to build a relationship with, especially in the early stages of the sales pitch. But what if there was a way for you to gain those insights even if you’ve never met them in person? […]

March 9th, 2020|

A must read book for every agency leader

In our owner peer group meetings, one of the things we always do is share a recommended app, tool or book. It’s a really easy way to discover some new ideas and tools for getting better without lots of trial and error. One must-read book has surfaced to the top over and over again and it’s become an instant classic among my agency owners. I hear them referencing the author’s terminology and more important — I hear them changing their communication patterns for the better. Radical Candor by Kim Scott is a framework that shows us how to be both a better boss and a better colleague. The book is packed with eye-opening truths and practical suggestions that will make you feel like she’s been spying on your office. You’re going to recognize yourself in many of her stories and examples and best of all — you’ll see the way to significantly improving how you work with others, give feedback and get the best from your team, your business partners, clients and yourself. Couple reading this book with starting the one on one employee meetings I keep harping about (because they are that important!) and you can have a great 2020! This was originally published in the weekly AMI newsletter.  To subscribe, click here.

March 2nd, 2020|

Using Traction to scale and strengthen your agency with Drew McLellan

Many agency owners are familiar with the book Traction by Gino Wickman and his Entrepreneurial Operating System. It’s a fantastic methodology for improving your agency’s ability to scale effectively, growing a leadership team and building a more sustainable, profitable agency. If you implement Traction properly. Otherwise, it can be a huge waste of time and money. […]

March 2nd, 2020|

Growing your agency from 5 to 200+ with Robert Glazer

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,twitter,google,linkedin,mail” counters=1 counter_pos=”topm” total_counter_pos=”leftbig” style=”icon_hover”] Robert Glazer is the founder and CEO of Acceleration Partners, a global marketing agency that specializes in partner or affiliate marketing. Initially, I planned on spending our time debunking the myths around affiliate marketing space (which we still covered), but our conversation took an interesting turn and instead we focused on Acceleration Partners’ growth journey. Robert described the transformation of his agency from five employees to several hundred in multiple countries – all in less than a decade. As you might imagine, it was not without some difficult crossroads. […]

February 17th, 2020|

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